eolico fotovoltaico geotermia

With its SOLAND partners ENERMILL is dedicated to researching, designing and developing ready- to- use photovoltaic plants.

In order to guarantee regular and adequate financial returns on customers' investments, ENERMILL establishes a personal and  long-lasting relationship with its customers, offering a comprehensive range of services in order to provide solutions and assistance whenever necessary.

In a fixed photovoltaic plant the modules are installed on the roofs and surfaces of buildings by means of special anchorages or on the ground on specific structures.
The photovoltaic units face south (in Italy which is in the northern hemisphere) ideally at an inclination of 35°, but this can vary depending on the area and calculations of the sun's rays.

In the case of sun tracking photovoltaic plants  the photovoltaic panels are mounted on special mobile structures, called trackers, which make it possible to position the photovoltaic field so as to  obtain the best possible exposure to the sun's rays and benefit from maximum capture of solar radiation, which varies  depending on the time of day.

Look at the Phototogallery of the proprietary plants of ENERMILL.


Enermill-Parco FV Cava Viazza

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Ultime news

Cava Viazza: II e III lotto in esercizio

Messi in esercizio il II e III loto degli impianti in Cava Viazza a Cigliano (VC).

Inaugurazione I lotto parco FV

Inaugurato il nuovo parco FV della potenza di 5.962,98 kWp. Località: Cigliano (VC).

Aziende del gruppo