eolico fotovoltaico geotermia

The sun trackers produced  in partnership with SOLAND set ENERMILL apart from the competition.
The innovation of ENERMILL/SOLAND consists in having designed and produced mono and bi-axial sun trackers that are mechanically simple yet reliable and which follow the sun according to the movements programmed by an internal PLC.

The carrying structure of the system is a hot-galvanised framework that is sturdy, simple and efficient, requires no special maintenance, and is  guaranteed to resist atmospheric agents and climatic events for many years.
The mechanical part of the tracker guarantees reliability and constant performance thanks to the  electromechanical components, the  best  available on the European market.

The motion system, operated by astronomical programming rather than light sensors, uses PLC  and  Siemens and Telemécanique limit switch  control systems.
The sun tracking system is controlled by software developed by technicians from Soland, which makes it possible to follow the sun with a precision equal to 1 degree: that means that every time the sun moves by 1 degree the sun tracker moves 1 degree.

The ENERMILL/SOLAND sun trackers are equipped with highly efficient monitoring systems  to check both in loco and remotely that they are functioning correctly; they use a weather station  to monitor external climatic conditions and can activate the panel remotely if necessary.
All modules have a solarimeter to verify the effective value of the radiation and an anemometer to record wind speeds and to position the tracker safely should these exceed predetermined  parameters.

The ENERMILL/SOLAND sun trackers are engineered and entirely produced internally: a patent  for the module  design  has been applied for.

Compared with modules on fixed structures output increases by 35 - 40% on an annual scale with peaks of over 45% (in the ideal conditions of the summer period).

Specifications of the ENERMILL sun trackers:


The production of the sun trackers

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